20% off for all tattoos

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Get high-quality professional tattoo designs without breaking the bank.

One time payment

After purchase you will receive 50 tattoo tokens. One tattoo generation costs 1 token. You get to keep your tokens forever, use them when your inspiration strikes.

What’s included

  • Choose from 6 distinct tattoo styles.
  • Describe your own design.
  • Generate your dream tattoo in minutes.
  • Access library of hundreds of high-quality tattoo designs for inspiration.

Pay once, own it forever

€9.99 €12.50 EUR


Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

  • AI Tattoo Generator uses a special AI Model designed for generating high-quality and realistic tattoo designs. You can describe the design you want and it will generate a custom tattoo for it.
  • No, the AI model we use is pretrained. None of the customers tattoos are used to further train the model.
  • No, our service is done for a one time payment. See the pricing section for more details.
  • Yes, you can get a refund for 14 days after the purchase, provided you have not downloaded, screenshoted or othwerwised used the photos generated for you. To reach out for a refund please contact [email protected].
  • Yes, you can get delete any tattoos generated by you by simply clicking the delete button inside a tattoo page.
  • Your data is stored securely on web servers in Germany, by vetted, highly secure, third party partners of us.
  • Just like when sketching art in real life, not every design is a winner. You can expect 10-20 of incredible, unique tattoo designs per one purchase. We give you 100 tries to have room for self expression and experimentation.
  • We created this service with aim to allow everyone design their dream tattoo, even if they haven't drawn in their life. Our aim is not to replace anyone, but rather to allow more people express themselves.
  • You own all rights to the designs you create. Feel free to use and distribute them in whatever way you want.
  • Typically one tattoo generation takes 1-3 minutes. However, you can generate as many tattoos at the same time as you want. You don't have to wait for the last generation to finish.